Bigg Boss Kannada Season 11 premiered on September 29, 2024, with Kichcha Sudeep returning as the host for the eleventh consecutive time. This season features 17 contestants from various backgrounds, which includes actors, models, and social media influencers, developing a dynamic blend inside the residence. Some exceptional contributors consist of Bhavya Gowda, Dhanraj Acharya, and serial actress Yamuna Srinidhi.
Bigg Boss Kannada Season 11 Live 1
Bigg Boss Kannada Season 11 Live 2
The display’s format consists of a completely unique “Heaven and Hell” twist, in which contestants were first of all divided into two sections, but this idea turned into later scrapped after controversies regarding contestant privacy. The contestants at the moment are all housed together
The season promises intense drama, strategic gameplay, and sudden evictions, keeping visitors on the threshold of their seats. Episodes are to be had for streaming on JioCinema